Right to lodge a complaint
Justified complaints relating to individual lots must have been received by the auctioneer within 14 days of receiving the lots. If you wish for an inspection to be carried out by an certified expert from the BPP (German philatelic experts’ association), this requires the notification and consent of the auctioneer. In this case, the time for submitting a complaint will be extended accordingly until the inspection results have been received. Please let us know if this is the case. An inspection by other experts from outside the BPP shall only be accepted if this has been arranged with us beforehand. In such a case, the strict rule also applies that the lots have to be for within the stipulated period.
Inspection reserves on individual lots will be requires the notification and consent of the auctioneer. Any verifications must be performed by the buyer and for his/her account! In the case of a counterfeit or a falsification, we will refund the costs of a BPP expert. In order to ensure speedy processing, you should make sure that you submit the lots to the expert on our original lot cards.
Individual lots forming the subject of complaint must be returned with an unaltered lot card that has not been written on. Otherwise it will not be possible to take back the lots. Please request for lots to be sent on approval if necessary. Please look at your auction order and check whether you have noted the correct lot numbes. Complaints due to lot numbers that have been noted wrongly by mistake will not be accept. It is also not possible to cancel, for whatever reason, bids that have already been submitted! No complaints will be accepted for accumulations under any circumstances. Written bidders also buy “as seen”. Complaints will also not be accepted for lots that have not been paid for on time.
Information and copies
We will be happy to make copies of individual lots and accumulations for 30 cents per copy (black and white) or 1.20 euro per colour copy (ink print) as well as 1.50 euro postage. Scans sent by email will be free of charge for the first four pages, and 30 cents per page thereafter. Please make the necessary arrangements and enclose the sufficient amount in stamps or banknotes with your copy request. Overpaid amounts will be refunded. We will be willing to provide information over the telephone, although not regarding extensive accumulations, “rummage boxes” and the like. We are also not able to provide any information by telephone for “bid” lots or copy these.
Delivery of the Lots
As has been the case hitherto, the lots will be sent to clients who we know personally or have first-class references with their invoice enclosed. New clients who cannot provide good references will have to pay up front. The lots will be dispatched as quickly as possible. Purchased lots/advance invoices will normally reach you in the first week following the auction. Please understand therefore that, however much we would like to, we cannot fulfil special postage wishes. Please note that, when there is special cause, we can make delivery of the
goods conditional upon bank references being submitted or securities being provided, even for existing customers.
Payment of the auction invoice
All invoices are payable within three days of receipt. This applies in particular if you have received the lots “against invoice”. Payment can only be made in Euro, and not in a foreign currency or by offsetting the amount in valid postage stamps. Times for payment must be agreed upon beforehand! Overseas clients are asked to not send us any cheques but make a no-fee bank transfer (SEPA). Payment by credit card is currently not possible, also Payment by "PayPal" is not possible. For transfers via "Philasearch-Philapay" there are 4% fees on the invoice amount.
Forwarding expenses
Forwarding expenses do not just include the usual postal charges, but also additional services such as packaging (envelopes, cardboard boxes etc.), the time spent on packaging as well as the private insurance of the postal item. Because of the software we use, the minimum forwarding expenses are 5.49 euro for individual lots and 7.92 euro for accumulations (statistic average value of postage expenses). Average abroad: Euro 21.42. Please bear this in mind in the case of smaller lots. Please understand that a large number of lots, including individual lots, are sent by parcel post in order to keep the costs of insurance and postage within bearable limits.
Written orders
We must receive written orders by one day before auction at the latest (faxes and emails by 18:00 hrs). Any bids that get to us later can unfortunately only be considered for the post-auction sale. We always carry out bidding in strict safeguarding of the client’s interests. You will receive the lots at the call price if there are no counterbidders, or otherwise at one increment above the next lowest bid. Guaranteed! “Gebot” lots (lots without a fixed starting price) are knocked down at the highest bid. These lots should always be inspected. Unrealistic bids just cause unnecessary work for you and us. Orders cannot be cancelled once they have been submitted. Lower bids will only be accepted up to 10% below the call price.
An important tip
Experience has shown that the demand for lots of certain price categories (up to approx. 250 euro) of popular countries is very high and while such many lots receive a high number of bids, yet they can only be sold once.We recommend the following procedure: Please bid for as many lots as possible and limit the purchase price. You can also submit alternative bids, specify the sequence etc. This will increase your chances tremendously! Keeping to a precise sequence and taking exact consideration of any limit bid is not always possible due to the information being collected prior to the auction. Also, “Gebot” lots (lots without a fixed starting price) cannot be included in the total limit.
Sending lots on approval
We will be happy to send lots on approval if the costs are reimbursed. If you are a new customer, please send us some references. Lots sent on approval must be returned within 24 hours of receipt. Please ensure you return the lots as quickly as possible since other interested parties will often also ask to be sent the lots on approval. Our postage expenses must be refunded with the return in enclosed valid german stamps. Please do not transfer the amount. Please make sure to comply with this procedure.
Keyword search
A special service we offer you is to have our computer program scan all lots of this auction for your keyword e.g. “registered mail”, “Munich” etc. All you need to do is send us the keyword and a stamped self-addressed envelope.
We would like to request consignments for our next auction now. Please see our “consignments” brochure for conditions and further information. We will readily send you this brochure free of charge and without obligation. Mr. Rauhut will also gladly give you any desired information by telephone or in person. In the light of recent events, we would like to please ask for no lots under an individual call price of 100 euro to be consigned. Unfortunately, we can only accept lots under a call price of 100 euro as part of larger consignments (call price of approx. 3,000 euro). We will be happy to visit you in person.
Auctioning and handover of the lots on the day of the auction
The auction will take place at Reichspräsidentenstrasse 21-25. The lots will be handed over in Reichspräsidentenstrasse as well as at Werdener Weg 44. The bidder cards will be issued and accounts settled in the Reichpräsidentenstreet building. Please come with some time on your hands. After the auction session has finished, there may be short waiting times of up to half an hour.
Our office is closed on Monday and Tuesday after the auction
Our office is closed on the Monday and Tuesday following the auction due to dispatching work. We will only be able to provide information on knockdowns or unsold lots as of Wednesday after auction.
The results will be available on our homepage as of the Monday following the auction. Please note that we can only begin selling unsold lots once the goods sold at the auction have been completely dispatched.
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Rauhut & Kruschel Briefmarken-Auktionshaus GmbH Werdener Weg 44 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr |
Telefon: | 02 08 - 3 30 98 02 08 - 39 07 25 |
Telefax: | 02 08 - 38 35 52 |
Kontakt: |
Harald Rauhut Dr. Jochen Roessle Heinrich Wasels Sekretariat |